What sound do you think you'd miss the most if you lost your hearing?
I ask because I realize that people unknowingly take things for granted that they've had their entire lives...like hearing.
What is something that you enjoy listening to that you would be devastated not to hear again? The voice of your loved ones? Nature? A favorite song?
Some of the responses I got was:
The sound of rain
My mother’s voice
My partner’s sweet nothings
Salsa music
The click clack of heels
Coffee shop chatter
The sounds of laughter
The birds chirping.
My kids chattering
The waves on the beach
The sounds of a fire crackling
Laughter and the sounds of my family
Music...hands down.
All of these are wonderful sounds...yet, I challenge you to silence the sounds, and start observing from a visual standpoint. Watch how things move. Watch how people’s facial expressions change. Observe people’s body language. See how they respond to one another.
Now that I've got you thinking, think about everyday privileges that the hearing community have that the deaf community do not.
There are a lot of barriers for us in the deaf community and it is frustrating because we are constantly reminded of how different we are.
To make your business inclusive to all communities, make sure that it is accessible. An accessibility educator like myself can help make your business available to everyone!